Mount Cho Oyu

Mount Cho Oyu

Mount Cho Oyu

Mount Cho Oyu, the sixth highest mountain in the world, is located on the border between Nepal and Tibet Autonomous Region. Cho Oyu, which means “Turquoise Goddess” in Tibetan language, took its name from the unique view it offers to its visitors at sunset. Mount Cho Oyu is located 20 kilometers west of Everest. The first ascent of Mount Cho Oyu, one of the main routes of mountaineers, was made in 1954. A magnificent view awaits its visitors at the top of the mountain.

Popular Mountaineers’ Route Cho Oyu Mountain

Cho Oyu Mountain, where the first ascent was made on October 19, 1954 by an Austrian team, Joseph Joechler, Herbert Tichy and Sherpa Pasang Dawa Lama, is located on the border between Tibet Autonomous Region and Nepal.

Cho Oyu, with a height of 8188 meters, is considered the sixth highest mountain in the world.

Mount Cho Oyu is an ideal training ground before climbing Everest. The climb to the top of the mountain takes approximately 47 days and the ideal daily walking time is thought to be between five and six hours. There are suitable camping areas where visitors can stay at certain points of the mountain.

Things to Know Before Going to Cho Oyu Mountain

Visitors who want to climb Cho Oyu Mountain are strongly recommended to go on this journey with tour companies in order to avoid major accidents and serious consequences. The equipment must be complete for climbing Cho Oyu Mountain, where many different tour companies serve. The required mountaineering equipment includes helmet, ice ax, crampons, mountaineering harness, carabiner, ice screw, ice boots, hiking shoes, underwear, waterproof pants and sweatshirt. Although these are the basic requirements, extra needs may arise in the organized tours.

Climbing skills and physical fitness are required to embark on the magnificent adventure of Mount Cho Oyu. It is definitely not recommended for visitors who are not physically and mentally ready to climb the mountain.

The ideal time for climbing Cho Oyu Mountain is spring.

The weather conditions in the spring months when the snow decreases create the most ideal environment for climbing.

There are no fees or time restrictions for visiting Mount Cho Oyu. Individual climbs without participating in the tours are definitely not recommended for visitors as they can be quite dangerous. Many different tour companies provide services to visitors who want to climb Cho Oyu Mountain for a fee.

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